البَنية الاجتماعية لسكان محافظة بغداد ( المرأة وتمكينها في المجتمع أنموذجاً )

البَنية الاجتماعية لسكان محافظة بغداد ( المرأة وتمكينها في المجتمع أنموذجاً )


  • Prof.Dr Assist. Raad Mufid Ahmed كلية التربية/ الجامعة المستنصرية
  • Jnan Abdul Sattar Abdul Jabbar كلية التربية/ الجامعة المستنصرية



The research aims to know the reality of equality between men and women in society and the extent to which women can be empowered in society through knowing the type of obstacles that stand before them and the type of opportunities available to them through the use of the distribution of the standard degree through the use of the descriptive approach, analysis and quantitative method.

The research found that the type of opportunities granted to work in state departments females amounted to (30.3%) compared to (69.7%) for men, and the unemployment rate for females recorded (13.2%) for the year 2013, and rose to (22.7%) for the year 2017, increased in rural areas to (23.9%) %) Compared to (22.0%) for the urban area, and the participation of women in government decreased by (25%), and the number of families headed by a woman increased to (116598), the percentage of widows (29.1%) and a value of (33866), and the families in which women receive a subsidy (70.9) With a value of (82732), the governorate also witnessed an increase in divorce cases amounting to (26242) for the year 2017, at a rate of (32.7%) between 2015-2017, with a divorce rate of (3.3) per thousand compared to (8.0) per thousand marriages

