The Contribution of Merchants to the Legal and Human Science in the Ilkhanidy Period

The Contribution of Merchants to the Legal and Human Science in the Ilkhanidy Period


  • Professor Doctor. Ammar Murdhy Alawy الجامعة العراقية - كلية الاداب
  • the researcher Shams Khalid Ali الجامعة العراقية - كلية الاداب




   The research includes studying the contributions of merchants in the legal and human sciences in the Ilkhanid state. The contribution was obvious in the Sharia sciences, such as the sciences of interpretation and readings, as well as the hadith and Islamic jurisprudence, and these sciences had the merchants a place in which they needed them in their dealings and trade. As well as the study of humanities such as linguistics, literature and poetry, as well as history and the role of merchants in the field of authorship in it and with regard to mental sciences, we found that traders contribute to the science of medicine.

