Names of the Noble Qur’an and the likeness of orientalists about it

Names of the Noble Qur’an and the likeness of orientalists about it


  • Prof. Akram Abdel Khalifa الجامعة العراقية - كلية الاداب



Praise to Allah, Lord of the Worlds ,that he succeeded me to complete this research (the names of the Holy Qur’an and the suspicions of the Orientalists around them), and I lived with the writing of the research an enjoyable journey that is not without difficulty and suffering. Calculate her reward with Allah. (The Quran ,Al-Furqan, the Book, and the Dhikr) are Arabic, not foreign, oriental or western, no matter the voices of falsehoods from the Orientalists and others by saying that these names are plagiarized from Syriac at times and from Hebrew at other times, accusing the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him)) by taking the foreign term as an Arab definition, To denote the desired meaning, and God forbid it  (may God bless him and grant him peace)) from that.

 In conclusion, I ask Allah that what I have written is useful in clarifying this topic (the names of the Holy Qur’an and the suspicions of the Orientalists around it) and that I have been successful in presenting the topic in an appropriate presentation that students of knowledge benefit from.

May God bless our master Muhammad, his family and companions  Praise to Allah, Lord of the Worlds

