Criticism of the rhetorical discourse of Bahaa al-Din al-Subki in his book The Bride of Weddings in Explanation of Summarizing Al-Muftah - Badi 'as a model

Criticism of the rhetorical discourse of Bahaa al-Din al-Subki in his book The Bride of Weddings in Explanation of Summarizing Al-Muftah - Badi 'as a model


  • Prof. Muthanna Naeem Hammadi الجامعة العراقية - كلية الاداب
  • Researcher Nima Hussein Moftah الجامعة العراقية - كلية الاداب




Every single study is an extension of previous studies and it links with future ones. Therefore, researchers will be convinced and they all approve the possibility of flows and drawbacks that might be observed in this regard. Approving the presence of flow is defined as a motivation to reconsider the complete studies and to move forward to the bridge the gap of such flows. Then, the researcher in question will carry out a lot of studies. The flow is described as a number of observations that can be increased. Afterword, they can be transformed into criticism. It is worth mentioning that criticism can motivate researchers in question to adopt an attempt that aims at completing scientific research. This is why; there will be great optimistic movement towards the newness and difference in studies. Besides, feeling of depression towards rhetorical studies caused by what had been ingrained in minds of learners and researchers of this field. And these feelings are consumed. Furthermore, this idea was the product of the researchers who ask for ease and simplicity and the ones, who take such path, will get nothing fruitful at last. Therefore, such researchers will realize that scientific research path is not easy. And if the researcher intends to carry out any study, he has to endure all the difficulties accompanied by it. Then, he will get great results at the end of the day. The current study is about Al-Badee' by Al-Sakaki by criticizing the rhetorical speeches. It is worth noting there is a difference between Al-Badee' as a verbal achievement and Al-Badee' as a science and study topic. The research also presents the terminology development phases by scholars of Al-Bayan subject and it will shed lights on the prominent scholars in the field dealing with the most important arts of Al-Badee' dealt by Al-Subki as a scientific subject.

