Linguistic Perception and Its learning difficulties spelling First grade students average

Linguistic Perception and Its learning difficulties spelling First grade students average


  • Kareem Shimkiy Gibir وزارة التربية



                 the research objectives are conducted to the following :

  1. The Linguistic Perception among First grade students average.
  2. learning difficulties spelling First grade students average.
  3. The relationship between the Linguistic Perception and learning difficulties spelling of  learning difficulties  spelling First grade students average..

Limited research on government  to the city of Baghdad for the school year pupils of fourth grade primary. (2018-2019).                                        Theoretical frame

Theoretical posterior

This research viewed several bolt that relate to the research subject

                                                                                                               research procedure Adopting the Linguistic Perception scale   1-

(Al-samiraiy 2006) and learning difficulties  spelling scale (Al-Figawiy 2009) after assures its truthes and stability on its articles  

                                -2-The two mentioned measures were applied at the same time on  sample First grade students average primary  (200) students   male and female students during 5- 15/ 3/ 2019  .the researcher used the following . Data had been    analyzed with help of statistic programs for social sciences in data    process(SPSS)

As a result, it had been reached to r esults listed below                          

 1- results showed that the  First grade students average enjoy from the Linguistic Perception

2- results showed that the  First grade students average suffer from  learning difficulties  spelling          

3- Results indicated that there had been not connection relationship for First grade students average between the Linguistic Perception and learning difficulties  spelling

The researcher submitted some recommendations and suggestions    

