The orientation toward modernity and its relation to the achievement struggle Among university student

The orientation toward modernity and its relation to the achievement struggle Among university student


  • Dr.. Mohsen Saleh Hassan Al-Zuhairi الجامعة العراقية - كلية الاداب



     The Present research aimed at identifying:   

1- The orientation toward modernity the students of the university.

2- protest the students of the university

3- the relation between The orientation toward modernity  & achievement struggle Among

university students

students has determined sample of Preparatory scened stage students (scientific and literary) for both males and females in AL-Mustansiria (morning studies) for 2018-2019.                      Theoretical frame

This research viewed several adoptes in  The research procedures

                                                                         results           Building  

                1-  The researcher built a measure of orientation toward life, and the measure of achievement was adopted for the researcher (Mohamed 2014), and their honesty, consistency, and method of answering their paragraphs were confirmed.   

                                -2-The two mentioned measures were applied at the same time on  sample educational counselors   (200) students   male and female students during  

10-22/11/2018  .the researcher used the following . Data had been analyzed with help of statistic programs for social sciences in data    process(SPSS)

As a result, it had been reached to results listed below                          

 01-The results of the research showed that university students have a desire to move towards life compared to the hypothetical mean of the scale.

 2-The results of the research showed that university students enjoy the motivation of achievement.   

  3-The results showed a positive correlation between the trend towards modernity and the achievement struggle of university students..

            The researcher submitted some recommendations and suggestions.    

