US-Australian Relations. During the Vietnam War 1954-1966. Documentary Study

US-Australian Relations. During the Vietnam War 1954-1966. Documentary Study


  • أ.م.د.كاظم جواد احمد العبيدي الجامعة المستنصرية/ كلية التربية


Key Words: U.S.A., Australia , Vitnam


      In the aftermath of World War II, the United States of America sought to extend its control and influence in many countries of the world. As it has become one of the major poles of importance globally, representing the capitalist world, Especially after the competition with the Soviet Union, which is considered the second major pole in the world, And who represented the Communist world, and the emergence of what is known as the cold war between the two camps, The United States of America has taken upon itself the task of filling the void instead of European countries, Taking the Asian countries a vital field for them to extend their activities as well as their political, military and economic influence, And not to allow the Soviets to penetrate into it, so the former was very keen to extend cooperation and relations with it.

    From the previous show, it is clear that the United States of America was determined to achieve victory over North Vietnam, As it considered this victory as a demonstration of its international presence, However, she wanted to achieve this victory by relying on others and reducing its human and material losses as much as possible, Therefore, the United States of America sought refuge in Australia, where it found a reliable ally, especially since Australia has clear concerns about the communist tide, Indeed, Australia has provided many assistance to the United States of America, One of the reasons was the continuation of the United States of America and the survival of the US military operations, which were the assistance that many countries provided to the United States, including Australia.

