Parliamentary Audacity in the Iraqi Parliament 1947-1954 MP Abdul Razzaq Al-Sheikhly as a model

Parliamentary Audacity in the Iraqi Parliament 1947-1954 MP Abdul Razzaq Al-Sheikhly as a model


  • Haider Attia Kazem الجامعة العراقية - كلية الاداب



    This research deals with one of the personalities of the royal era in Iraq (1921-1958), who is the deputy of Baghdad Abdul Razzaq Al-Sheikhly and his opposing and bold stances under the dome of the House of Representatives. Ministry of Justice and Foreign Affairs. Because of his competence, he was appointed consul in Istanbul in 1939. It appears that government work fell short of Sheikhli, who decided to leave him permanently in 1940                                   .                                                                 
He went to parliamentary work at the beginning of 1947, as he became a deputy for the Baghdad Brigade in the Iraqi parliament in its eleventh election session, and he also renewed his election for the Baghdad Brigade also in the twelfth electoral cycle in 1948 until he resigned in March 1950 in protest against government performance and lack of seriousness Parliamentary work. He was re-elected as a representative of Baghdad in the thirteenth electoral cycle under the government of Nur al-Din Mahmoud, in accordance with the direct election law. The last prosecution of Abdul-Razzaq Al-Sheikhly was in the fourteenth electoral cycle as a representative of Baghdad, after which he refrained from participating in the elections because he was convinced of the lack of democracy in Iraq

