The linguistic camouflage in human communication is a linguistic study

The linguistic camouflage in human communication is a linguistic study


  • M. Dr.. Saad Sabbar Abdul Baqi Muhammad جامعة الفلوجة / كلية العلوم الإسلامية


: (disguise, manipulation, communication, connotation)



The research is based on an analysis of the mechanisms of exposed and concealed linguistic camouflage according to the psychological motives of the speaker and what he hints at in twisted linguistic methods in order to reach his goals that he shows other than what they are based on the social characteristic of the language and its communicative function, and drawing from the state of his interlocutors additional meanings of the origin of the idea.

The research presents the reasons for camouflaging in common aspects of human communication from the scientific linguistic point of view, and is represented by facts from the heritage and modern ones from daily communication, and it describes the false verbal practice of those who take legitimate ways of circumvention, such as creative or illegal work such as lying and fallacy.

The research aims to clarify the effects of linguistic camouflage and its positive and negative consequences concealed in the faces with the usual deceptive masks among people without assigning a class or specifying a field.

