(الدرة اليتيمة في الغنيمة ) للإمام حسن بن عمار بن علي الشرنبلالي

(الدرة اليتيمة في الغنيمة ) للإمام حسن بن عمار بن علي الشرنبلالي


  • Dr. Dr. Muhammad Abbas Jassem



Al-Durra Al-Yatima by Imam Hasan Al-Sharanbalaly is one of the most important books of Al-Hanafi doctrine. It contains very important explanations and comments for the book (Sharh Al-Kanz). For that reason it has a great scientific status for the scholars.

Therefor the researcher wants to make a study and an authentication of this book.

The research is divided into two sections: the first section deals with personal character of Imam Sharanbalaly. The second section tackles the text authenticated.

