Patern and Methods of learning and Its Relation to The Level of Multiple Intelligence and Academic Achievements of The Students of The Students of The Arabic Department in the faculty of Arts

Patern and Methods of learning and Its Relation to The Level of Multiple Intelligence and Academic Achievements of The Students of The Students of The Arabic Department in the faculty of Arts


  • الدكتور بلال ابراهيم يعقوب الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب



This study aimed to reveal the connection between the patterns and methods of learning and its relation with the multi-cleverness and academic achievements of the students in Arabic Department .The researcher used a questionnaire as a tool made for this purpose, the researcher concluded that:

1-59.9% of the students thought that the Contemplation Note Method is the best one.

2-19.7% of the students voted for the Abstract Concept Method.

3-12.5%of the students in this sample went for Active Testing Method.

4-7.9%of the students used the Sensory Experience Method.

The following recommendations were based on paper findings :

1-Doing more studies and researches about the students in the universities in Iraq by focusing on effect of the independent variable on the multi-cleverness of the students , such as: the gender , the motives and their specialties (majors) .Furthermore , multi-cleverness methods have to be used by Iraqi school (Ministry of Education and the universities (Ministry of Higher Education) at the same time by long training courses and specialized workshops.

2-Doing similar studies on students in other universities in Iraq to compare between the results.

3-Offering training activities for the professors at the universities specially the ones who are specialized in Arabic language to have a better understanding of the student needs . kolb  Maccarthy, s method of teaching was suggested by the researcher to be taken.  

