Hydrographological characteristics of the Euphrates River between Hit and Fallujah

Hydrographological characteristics of the Euphrates River between Hit and Fallujah


  • الأستاذ الدكتور خلف حسين علي الدليمي جامعة الأنبار- كلية التربية
  • المدرس المساعد سحر عبد جاسم الجميلي مديرية تربية الأنبار



Studying the hydrological and geomorphological characteristics of the river streams in any place where they are located is very important for their direct relationship

In order to identify the quantity of running water in the river and the extent of change of this quantity by the seasons of the year. The specific characteristics of the river, whether chemical or physical, are also identified for the purpose of indicating the validity of the water for both direct human use and the various activities. Research The study of part of the Euphrates River between Hit and Falluja within the province of Anbar, the research included five investigations:

The fourth topic is the geomorphological processes in the Euphrates River, the fifth topic is the human factors affecting the characteristics of the river and its processes.

The study revealed the change in the amount of seasonal and annual drainage and instability, and it was found that the qualitative characteristics of chemical and physical is abnormal in all kinds, as well as the change of river work from the erosion of the river from one side of the river, the causes of change due to natural factors and human because of human intervention in River affairs.

