Automated spatial analysis for preparing digital maps for water network classification in Anbar Governorate using RS & GIS

Automated spatial analysis for preparing digital maps for water network classification in Anbar Governorate using RS & GIS


  • Teacher dr Ahmed Khamis Hammadi Al-Muhammadi جامعة بغداد- كلية التربية – ابن رشد



          The objective of the study was to select the easiest and most accurate methods of cartography in the development of the water network in Anbar province by using geographical technologies GIS, remote sensing data RS and studying the spatial characteristics using various digital sources and outputs of various digital maps based on spatial analysis Spatial Analysis of morphometric characteristics and variables For the water network After conducting the generalizations of various scales in order to reach the construction of a geographical database (digital maps) we were able to make scientific calibration in a geographical - cartographic concept

      The importance of spatial analysis Spatial Analysis in the evaluation of variables and hydrological characteristics, has chosen the preparation of water network maps and classification in the province of Anbar subject to "study, which is diverse geographical phenomenon, the study was characterized by the use of GIS software program (ArcGISv.9.3) The ARC MAP TOOLBOX software and the remote sensing data (RS) of the satellite satellite Land sat 8OLI with a precision accuracy of (30) meters for the year 2018 and the digital height model DEM with a 14-meter differential accuracy also used for digital classification, advanced analysis, Hydrologic as well as "data to the US Aalghemrastnaaa Quickbird2 high spatial resolutions.

