History of the Labor Movement in the United States of America until 1937

History of the Labor Movement in the United States of America until 1937


  • Assistant Professor Dr Eman Mutaib Muhi الجامعة المستنصرية- كلية التربية


Key words (labor movement،united stated of ameri ،unions،increase wages).



  The working class in the United States was neglected ،living in harsh working condition ،with long hours of work and a few wages in the midst of competing migrants who took them to work ،which in turn led to the emergence of un employment .As well as the entry of the machine which removed the labor as the fastest and most reliable work.Led to obtain their rights with a few hours of work and higher wages ،along with the participation of working woman who suffered the same conditions ،which led to the establishment of labor organizations in the form of unions،issued a series of legislation and laws industrial safety ،and labore laws for children and women ،health insurance and so on .Gained most of their basic rights from the right to organize trade unions ،the right to strike ،and the right to bargain collectirely with employers.

