Soviet pressure on Turkey And the American position on it 1939-1947

Soviet pressure on Turkey And the American position on it 1939-1947


  • Dr. Amin Abbas Nazir الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب



The geostrategic location of Turkey made it a place of competition between the western and eastern camps, which are represented in the United States and the Soviet Union, which led the former to embrace Turkey and provide it with what it needs to ensure its survival, support and implementation of its requirements in an area that is more important to it, namely the Middle East, Allowing the Soviet Union to expand or reach it, the importance of the research as it deals with the period from the beginning of World War II until the Truman principle in 1947 as a fateful period for European countries and the United States of America by the Soviet Union by As well as the pressure exerted by the Soviets on Turkey to allow access to them through the waterways that were under the control of Turkey, the straits Bosphorus and Dardanelles.

The second section deals with the Soviet pressure on Turkey to comply with the Soviet demands for freedom of navigation in the Turkish waterways. The third is to address US attitudes toward Turkey and stand by its side

