The inner rhythm in prose poem

The inner rhythm in prose poem


  • Assistant Instructor Zainab Abbas Abdullah



The prose poem came out of the prose, not from the prepared mold, This means that it came out of life, not from the mind. It came out of reality, not from an industrial elite that was proposed by the literary circles at the time، Suzanne Bernhard has adapted two versions of the prose poem: the formal poem, which is imposed on time with regular rhythmic structure and form, and special methods in poetic systems We will note directly those methods that are in the possession of prose poem to impose on the time extension structure and form limited to the two types of division into poetry sections and repetition, which includes crises to recover words or topics، And the analogies of each kind were all used very early in poets of the prose poem، The Ashurqiyah, which erases the limits of space and time. It cuts the bridges on the forms of the whole time period (place time logical conclusion). And liberate itself to time and defeat, so Susan Bernard divided into two types، A conservative is a poem that I called formal or visual or periodic، And the rebellion is Alsharkip thus time played an important role in making the prose poem conservative and rebellious commitment to the rhythms of time and the region makes them Governor and out on the rhythms of time. And an area that makes them rebel and this refers one way or another to what we call the inner rhythm of the prose poem.


