The role of Emilyn Bancherst in British women's associations (1867-1886)

The role of Emilyn Bancherst in British women's associations (1867-1886)


  • Assistant Professor Issam Khalil Muhammd الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب
  • researcher Sura Najim Abood Saloon الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب



British women's rights activist Emeline Pankhurst has struggled to make British society a society where rights and duties are equal between male and female، Especially when she saw the injustice of the government، which practiced a policy of gender discrimination It was a male aristocratic society deprived of women the most basic rights so it was necessary to voice the awakening of women from the long hibernation and the stalemate that the British government to be in it. It was the imelian voice that the difficult conditions made her to be a fighter who defended and educated women، That they have rights taken away by the British government and the time has come to recover them with peace or violence

