AL-Rehba City between Emergence and Formation )A History Study(

AL-Rehba City between Emergence and Formation )A History Study(


  • Dr. AbdulAziz Khedher A. AL-Jassem رئاسة جامعة الأنبار



Some topics are still not addressed by researchers, especially the study of cities, which played a historical and cultural role, but the historical opportunity and political circumstances did not make it the capital of a decade of history and cultural conflict. This at all produces a material ideological heritage that can be a subject, a study or a researcher that makes a researcher study, observe, and examine the stages of cultural and ideological growth. Among these cities that have not been fully studied are Rahbah Malik bin Tok al-Rubaie al-Gharbi. As far as we know, he was chosen because of his historical importance and the circumstances surrounding his building. For the Levant the country began to build spaciousness. I have dealt with the towns and villages related to this city in administrative, military and economic terms. We believe that it is necessary to talk about the achievements of scientists from the Rahbeen Company and those who were entitled Rahbi and also who visited and studied their leading role in various fields at the time

