الأنشطة الاتصالية للعلاقات العامة في المؤسسات الدينية العراقية دراسة تحليلية في الإصدارات الصحفية في دواوين الأوقاف الدينية للمدة من (1 /12 / 2009م - 30 / 6 / 2010م ).

الأنشطة الاتصالية للعلاقات العامة في المؤسسات الدينية العراقية دراسة تحليلية في الإصدارات الصحفية في دواوين الأوقاف الدينية للمدة من (1 /12 / 2009م - 30 / 6 / 2010م ).


  • ا.م .د . ناهض فاضل زيدان الجواري كلية الإعلام – الجامعة العراقية
  • احمد ناهي عطيه كلية الإعلام – الجامعة العراقية


Religious institutions that represent the basis of religion have an active and dangerous role in any human group, and religion has many services and great benefits that it performs for society in all ages and times and in all regions and countries, even if there is no religion and services to destroy these societies and the chaos and chaos The disorder and the destruction of society and collapsed entity.

The importance of religion in society, especially the Iraqi society, especially after the political change that took place in Iraq and the formation of the three religious endowments (the Sunni Endowment Bureau - the Shiite Endowment Bureau - the Office of the Endowments of Christians and other religions) Which aims to raise religious awareness, education, guidance, religious guidance and intellectual persuasion, and remind the importance of religious awareness of human beings and peaceful coexistence between members of one society (Iraqi) and the efforts of these institutions to unify the content of the religious discourse, which works on unity So that the masses that deal with it have increased, and this has led to the need for successful public relations departments to carry out their various communication activities, and works to consolidate the relationship between these institutions and the associated public and the masses of Iraqi society in general. On this basis, the importance of this research is evident from the topic of public relations in Iraqi religious institutions, and the knowledge of the reality of public relations activities in the religious endowments offices in Iraq to know their communication activities and the extent of their practice and the benefits they have achieved for the institution and the public.

