دراسة "هيدرولوجية " لواقع المياه الجوفية في قضاء القائم وامكانية استثمارها في الزراعة باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية

دراسة "هيدرولوجية " لواقع المياه الجوفية في قضاء القائم وامكانية استثمارها في الزراعة باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية


  • م.د. عبد الباقي خميس حمادي المحمدي


The current study aims at highlighting the hydrographic and qualitative characteristics of the groundwater in AL-Qaim Administrative Unit so as to achieve perfect investment of the water resources in agriculture. Besides, the study showed that spatial variation of the geological formations led to spatial heterogeneity in the chemical features of groundwater. This is why, it was featured by the variation of the salt rate increase. And the TDS rates of water samples taken from wells of the area where the study was carried out were between (2560-6780). It is possible to invest most of wells whose salinity endurance is medium and high in cultivation in the light of the availability of good irrigation and soil administration and the employment of modern methods of irrigation, especially sprinkler and drip and defining the appropriate times for irrigation. 

