The Efficiency of Iraqi Primary Health Clinics in Anah and AL-Qaem

The Efficiency of Iraqi Primary Health Clinics in Anah and AL-Qaem


  • د. براء كامل عبدالرزاق الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب
  • م.م احمد هلال حمود الجامعة العراقية / كلية التربية للبنات


The services of primary health clinics are considered to be the most important and essential services found in the health centers. The study is carried out in two areas Anah and Qaem health sectors that belong to Anbar Province. As for the research, it is divided into three parts. The first part dealt with highlighting the geographical features of the areas concerned and the medical situation of the health sectors were considered in the second part while the third one embraced the efficiency of these health centers. The research resulted in the fact that the status of the health sectors in Anah and Qaem was on decline and there is a lack in the health clinics by counting on the human rate of Iraqi health criterion. Moreover, there is a weakness in the efficiency of these the health centers underlined by shortage of the medical staff in their institutions and the distribution of the staff was not well-organized in most of the health clinics of these two sectors.    



