علماء بيت المقدس من خلال كتاب الوافي بالوفيات للصفدي (دراسة كمية)

علماء بيت المقدس من خلال كتاب الوافي بالوفيات للصفدي (دراسة كمية)


  • أ . د . ناصر عبد الرزاق الملا جاسم جامعة الموصل / كلية الآداب
  • د . سفانة جاسم الجبوري جامعة الموصل / كلية التربية الأساسية


Bayt Al- Al-Maqdisor Al-Quds suffered during the sixth cent A.H./ 11th  A C. from foreign occupation, which annihilated its people and removed its Islamic identity. Al- Maqadisascholars whom escaped from the city, participated actively in the scientific life in the other cities in Syria and Egypt. Saladin succeeded in liberating Al Ouds in (583 A.H./ 1187 A.C.) This step put the city once again at the midst of Arabic and Islamic scholarship. Al- Maqadisa once againraised to the first ranks of Ulama in the Egypt and Syria. Al Quds also attracted scholars from all over the world of Islam. Those MaqadisiUlamaenjoyed a very suitable place in the Arab biographical dictionaries.

This paper aims to give answers related with the MaqadisiUlama and their role in the Islamic scientific life during the Ayyubid and mamluks periods. This will achieved by using the quotative method to analyze the biographical materials related with the MaqdisiUlama in Al Safadi (Al wafibilWafayat). We used (Access 2016) to encompass Al Safadi materials and then reach a very important result. This attempt is just a call for introducing the new computer programs in historical researches.



