مفهوم الفلسفة السياسية عند ايمانويل كانط

مفهوم الفلسفة السياسية عند ايمانويل كانط


  • د. يسار احمد الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب


Kanat made an essential change in the philosophy of mind and the scientific theoretical curricula and the philosophy of ethics and the science of beauty by what he presented in his three books dealing with criticism. And he also tackled researching and discussion with reference to politics, history and reaching out to the whole society. Kanat was interested in the political thought and the mechanism of building the society and its intellectual systems in a very great way through concepts and political variables between theory and reality. Besides, he was busy in studying "Roso's" thoughts and the subject of natural rights and this was very clear during his life in university. After that, he started teaching the theory of justice and his interests with regard to politics did not last for a short period of time.

