الأساليب التعليمية عند الزُرْنُوجي في كتابه ((تعليم المتعلم طريق التعلم))

الأساليب التعليمية عند الزُرْنُوجي في كتابه ((تعليم المتعلم طريق التعلم))


  • م. خالد أحمد ســليمان الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب


The current research is aiming at identifying the methods of learning mentioned in AL-Zarnoji's book "Teaching The Learner is The Path of Learning" the researcher employed in the paper the descriptive approach in studying the available pedagogical ideas of the abovementioned book through defining the book, describing it and showing its importance.

          The results of paper showed that AL-Zarnoji talked about some educational means and he paid attention to them as a result of their benefits and positive results of the educational and pedagogical processes. Besides, AL-Zarnoji distinguished between types of the educational means according to their significance in conveying the effect of learning to the student. Moreover, he referred to secondary factors of the educational process. And he also recommended reactivating the educational means cited by AL-Zarnoji in our educational and pedagogical foundations and linking them to modern educational methods.

