رأي ابن خلدون في كيفية الوحي من خلال (مقدمته) دراسة تحليلية

رأي ابن خلدون في كيفية الوحي من خلال (مقدمته) دراسة تحليلية


  • د. شريف عبد العليم محمود كلية الدراسات الإسلامية والعربية / دبي


The current study highlights the opinion of (Ibn Khaldon towards revelation of Prophet) by his book titled (AL-Mukadimah)

The researcher studied the opinion of Ibn Khaldon with regard to the revelation towards Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) by counting on the Glorious Qur'an, the Prophetic Tradition, words of scholars. The followings are the most important points of the study:

  1. The revelation was coming to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) like sound of Angel and not similar to the bee sound sometimes.
  2. The discourse between the angel and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was the language of the Glorious Qur'an. In other words, it was Arabic language and they were not signals translated by the prophet into meanings according to Ibn Khaldon
  3. The case of sound is not concerned with prophets as Ibn Khaldon claimed.
  4. Angels were showing up like real humans not like acting.
  5. Seeing the angels as real humans is not confined to prophets and messengers.
  6. The study showed that the scholar Ibn Khaldon let his mind deal with the revelation, and this is one of Al-Ghabiyat where its source is Sharia and he had to consider what people around him say and never exaggerate.

Finally, we must never let our minds deal with gaybiyat that are not known except for sharia because they are way beyond our imagination.


