المتطلبات البيئية لزراعة المحاصيل الصناعية (السمسم ، فستق الحقل ، زهرة الشمس) في محافظة الانبار

المتطلبات البيئية لزراعة المحاصيل الصناعية (السمسم ، فستق الحقل ، زهرة الشمس) في محافظة الانبار


  • أ.د. خالد عبدالله أكبر الحمداني جامعة الأنبار / كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية
  • م.م. ميسون كريم محسن العزاوي وزارة التربية/ مديرية تربية الأنبار


Anbar province occupies about one-third of the area of ​​Iraq، so it varies in natural characteristics، as it contains different forms of tamarisk and varies soils and varies from one region to another according to the nature of its composition. This widening in the area led to different climatic elements depending on the location of each station. The study area provides sufficient quantities of water for the various activities، including agricultural activity. The study area contains good quantities of groundwater and is suitable for carrying out agricultural activities. Through these natural characteristics، there is a special environmental system in Anbar province. The objective of the study was to determine the suitability of the environment for a number of industrial crops (sesame، field pistachio، sun flower)، which can be planted in the study area according to the minimum and maximum values ​​of tolerance and suitability of each crop in terms of soil type، surface، climatic elements، water quantity and salinity.

