إتحاف الأحبة بالجواب عن مسألة الضبَّة محمد أبي هادي الجوهري الصغير (ت 1215هـ ) دراسة وتحقيق

إتحاف الأحبة بالجواب عن مسألة الضبَّة محمد أبي هادي الجوهري الصغير (ت 1215هـ ) دراسة وتحقيق


  • أ.م.د. عبد المنعم احمد حسين الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب


There are many short letters which did not get the attention of researchers, though they embrace great benefits, because they cannot be M.A theses or PhD dissertations or for being difficult to deal with them where they are part of big collections where their authors or subjects cannot be identified.

And one of these beneficial shorts letters, is a letter titled "Impressing Lovers with the Answer of AL-Dhabah Issue" By Mohammad Abi Hadi AL-Jawhari AL-Sagheer – May Allah rest his soul in peace- Although the letter is so short, it included useful information and good efforts with reference to discussing the sayings of Shafii scholars in the AL-Dhabah Issue: "the one who drinks water in a silver or golden bowl" the benefit of letter is found where you can measure Non-Dhabah things where they are mostly used like silver or golden tools.

