مؤتمـر لوزان ونتائجه على تركيا الحديثة

مؤتمـر لوزان ونتائجه على تركيا الحديثة


  • د. أحمد محمود علو السامرائي جامعة تكريت / كلية التربية للعلوم الإنسانية


      It is concerned that Luzan Conference is a special mark in the series of the International Exceptional conferences, after the first world war 1914-1918, since the conference is obtained in an exceptional circumstances and for a special issues, each state shares in the conference to complete the victory on other states and countries, but the deal that (Mustafa Kamal) for his new state was a real victory, where he worked so hard to perform the Turkish Case to the Existence and he succeeded to control his state.

The enemies confess by this state before the friends, hence, the Turkish Government achieved what is they see it is necessary and in achieving this state to be one of the most important states in the region.

