جهود علماء المسلمين في رواية وتدوين السيرة النبوية والمحافظة عليها " القرن الثاني أنموذجاً "

جهود علماء المسلمين في رواية وتدوين السيرة النبوية والمحافظة عليها " القرن الثاني أنموذجاً "


  • أ.د. عدنان علي الفراجي الجامعة العراقية / كلية التربية


The importance of the paper is concerned with proving and documenting the prophetic tradition of Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him (PBUH)) and that is defined as a clear necessity because it is considered to be the role model for every single Muslim. Besides, AL-Mighty Allah orders us all to follow its guidance. For this reason, it was must to document and prove what are attributed to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). Thanks to first scholars, who cared about narrating and writing the prophetic tradition and preserving it, for their documentations and proving the sayings of the Prophet especially, the ones dealt in the body of the paper.

The paper aims to know the efforts made by the glorious scholars who were sincere about narrating the events of the prophetic tradition and writing them honestly so as to be in its final form in the second Hijri century and to be the corner stone for all people in the nation.       


