AI-Rragheb Al-Asfahani (died 502 H.) courses of linguistic interpretation in the vocabulary of the words of Qur'an

AI-Rragheb Al-Asfahani (died 502 H.) courses of linguistic interpretation in the vocabulary of the words of Qur'an


  • أ.م.د.حقي إِسماعيل محمود السَّامرائيُّ كلية الإِمام الأَعظم (رحمه الله) الجامعة
  • أ.م.د.إِبراهيم يعقوب محمود الحسان كلية الإِمام الأَعظم (رحمه الله) الجامعة


   this research, lexicographers dagenenal, among them  AI-Rragheb   Al-Asfahani (died 502H.) in the vocabulary of the words of Quran will show that they do not Present the linguistic interpretation of vocabularies in one medood ,bul they vary.

   In this research, we have counted the methods that AI-Rragheb took in consiseration in his book, they were en Interpretation in consequence, differences, semantic contradiction -metaphorieal relationships, general and private descriptions and considerations idiomatic indications derivative roots, morphological functions. grammatical relationships.

   In this research, we have explained the concept of the previous methods heir benefits and the way they used in realizing the linguistic indications for the vocabularies.  



