الإشباعات المتحققة عبر الانترنيت وعلاقتها بالابتعاد الاسري

الإشباعات المتحققة عبر الانترنيت وعلاقتها بالابتعاد الاسري


  • د.عبد الامير الفيصل جامعة بغداد / كلية الإعلام


Some families know several problems in general as a result of the ongoing development and social changes in societies, where family dissociation is considered to be the most important problem that the all societies suffer from especially the Iraqi society, perhaps, this is caused by certain matters known by the latter because of quick cultural, social changes and fast pace of technology following getting access to the virtual world happened by the use of small screen and some clicks. So, this change led to imbalance in building and the functions of society. Therefore, there were some consequences like tension, conflict and the appearances of dissociation possibilities in a number of families.

