عبد القادر أسماعيل البستاني ودوره السياسي والفكري 1907-1979

عبد القادر أسماعيل البستاني ودوره السياسي والفكري 1907-1979


  • د. سيف عدنان ارحيم الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب


Writing about political, social and cultural figures is described as one of the assumptive matters in the scientific research. Besides, this depends on the fact the figure in question is important or not. The case study of the current research is one of the important political figures that played a major role in the political life of Iraq, especially in the light of social and intellectual awareness appearance in the Iraqi society and calling for the visions of this new thought which contradicts the mainstream ones in the conservative Iraqi society.

And the researcher divided the subject chronologically since the beginning of Ismael AL-Bustani life, his education and the surrounding environment of his life. Then, it dealt with his role in the students' environment that had an active role in adopting the thought that AL-Bustani called for decades until his death in 1979.


