موقف الرسول () من يهود المدينة المنورة دراسة تاريخية

موقف الرسول () من يهود المدينة المنورة دراسة تاريخية


  • د.جمال سعيد مهدي معهد إعداد المعلمين


After the stability of the prophet Muhammad , pedce be upon him in Medind, establish rules that ensure stability, regulating Relations Between Muslims and jews, and non – Aggression between them, And this treaty is Amodel of good organization and interaction between People, it stipulates that Muslims are one nation, As identified close Relation Ship with the jews of medind the prophet (peace beupon him), And muslims, has given religious freedom, and considered the nation Along with the Muslim nation, and that the main points of the document Confirmation to thak over the prophet (peace be upon him) All the Authorities, that if got Achtjar afraid corruption van is due to Messenger Of Allah (peace be upon him).

