المضامين التربوية المستنبطة من سورة نوح (عليه السلام(

المضامين التربوية المستنبطة من سورة نوح (عليه السلام(


  • م. خالد أحمد سليمان الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب


The current study aims at showing the pedagogical tenor that derived from Surat Nuh. Then, clarifying the most important pedagogical method derived from the surah mentioned above. The researcher depended in his study on Deductive-Descriptive Approach. And the study is of four chapters:
1-Chapter one: it includes a theoretical framework of the study.
2-Chapter two: Introduction of Surat Nuh.
3-Chapter three: The pedagogical tenor derived from Surat Nuh.
4-Chapter four: Results, recommendations and suggestions.
The most important results are presented below:
1-Surat Nuh contained the most important pedagogical, doctrinal and ethical tenors and most significant pedagogical method.
2-The application of the pedagogical tenors derived from Surat Nuh in the students' environment by words and deeds will lead us to successful pedagogical process and behavioural evaluation.
3- Dialogue is described as one of the most significant Islamic Pedagogical Methods; it is a means of freeing oneself from isolation.
The most important recommendations are presented below:
1- Pedagogical institutions officials must work on applying the pedagogical tuners found in the body of Surat Nuh.
2-Every Muslim must enrich himself with piety, and the pedagogical institutions concerned must enroll it as a pedagogical goal caring about society and family.
3-Teachers must get benefit from the pedagogical methods mentioned in the Glorious Qur'an in general and they should take care of dialogue style in particular.

