صفات القرآن الكريم المقترنة بأسمائه (دراسة معجمية)

صفات القرآن الكريم المقترنة بأسمائه (دراسة معجمية)


  • م. د. مروان نوري إسماعيل الجامعة العراقية / كلية التربية للبنات


Arabic language studies are dedicated to serve Al-Mighty Allah's book the (Glorious Qur'an) and these are found in the authorships of formers and latters works. And when I read and reviewed some references, I found some writers referred to the names of the Glorious Qur'an and their characteristics, scholars were different in defining the names whether they are names or adjectives. Besides, modern writers wrote books about the aforementioned subject under the title of names without differentiating between names and adjectives and the researcher found that the topic above is worth researching, he dedicated a study titled Adjectives of the Glorious Qur'an Related to Its Names only

