تطور الحكم على مخططات الوجوه

تطور الحكم على مخططات الوجوه


  • أ.م.د. نبراس م الجامعة العراقية / كلية التربية للبنات جبل صالح الجامعة العراقية / كلية التربية للبنات


 The paper gains its importance from the following:

-Studying social growth, it means the ability to acquire the behavior according to the criteria of the society and its expectations. Besides, the process of transferring a child into social creature requires knowing the criteria of society to make his behavior go in harmony with them and to exercise the behavior that is defined by the group and which is expected by them. So, social person is defined as the one who follows an acceptable behavior socially and does the role that is defined by the society. Moreover, socialization is described as the process of acquiring the child acceptable behavioral patterns socially and matching with the mainstream trends in the society where he belongs to. Furthermore, the above-mentioned process is done by adding the culture of society into building personality. And Man gets his human feature through the said process. Then, he will be integrated with the society.

-Studying personality, individuals from different posts and interests are interested in psychology especially personality as one of the branches of psychology because it has charm and charisma. So, personality is one of the most important topics among artists, poets, story writers, playwrights, clergymen, politicians, economists, traders and publicists in addition to the audience factor. So, every human wants to be loved by others and to live in peace and to have good relations with people.

-The concept of personality is considered to be one of the most complicated concepts of psychology because it consists of physical, cognitive and emotional qualities that are interacting with each other through individual's features. Therefore, there were different views and contrastive conspects in addressing the concept of personality from the following aspects: its nature, features, combinations, processes, dynamism and theories

-The scarcity of Arabian studies especially Iraqi ones in the field of faces schemes as far as the researcher is concerned. 

