The Historical Narrative Authored by Al-Zuhry in his Book Geography

The Historical Narrative Authored by Al-Zuhry in his Book Geography


  • الدكتورة وسن إبراهيم حسين محمود كلية التربية / ابن رشد / جامعة بغداد


            Al – zuhry Considers one of the Figures who the Scientific Studies and researches didn't Shed alight on them. So, we had intended to Show the importance and the role of this Fignre; in addition to that , the estimate of his book amang the histarical and geographical books in the Arabic Library. I had Concluded that most those who I had ask them about their Knowledge and independence on Al-Zuhry book, were answering that They had'nt got any information or dependin on it as asource in the Arabic geographical Library, Form above, I had insisted on emerge that auther on alarge Scale to all who Consider with if to utilize form it in the fieled of study and Searching.

            There for, this research discussed mony aspects which are the Sources that Al-Zuhry had read ahuge number of books written by anthers proceeded him in this field, who he called them (Philosopher, austronomers, doctors, wize men , Scientists in the area of the earth, austrologers, historians) and that all that narrative which he trans formed form them came to be asummary of what had written by those who proceeded him, as awish from him to narrate ambigious texts or those which he didn't mention because they were doubtful.

            Also, I dealt with his Historical narratives which came divergent but reluctant, whereas we had Studied all the narratives of the ages according to what had writlen in his book since al-Risala ago to Abbaside age and emerged the extent of exsisting and the documentation of those narratives in the Arabic and Andalusian resources.

            Finaly, this is considers ahumble endeavors from the researcher, I wish that I had was Success ful in represent a Simple biography to this Figure and his Course and historical narratives.

