اليابان ما بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية 1945 - 1952

اليابان ما بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية 1945 - 1952


  • م . خالد عبد نمال الدليمي الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب


The history of Japan after the second World War reeresents one of the most important stage that the Japanese people gone through in that era .From the end of the second World War Japan refused roughly the renewed of the military trend because it was at ease with its internal stability . After the defeat of Japan  in that war, the American reforms formed a solid base to build a capitalist an amonopolistic state according to the western pattern in a stage witnessed a sharp competition among the modern economies on the universal level . The essential favor for the Japan renaissance  from the heap of the second world war comes from the policy o the ststeman like prime minister uchida who succeeded in persuading theAmericans to resign their former intran siegence towards Japan .The American assumed the Job of protecting Japan from any outside offensive according to security agreements between the two sides , like San Fransisco agreements providing that the responsibility of security  conservation of the Japanese Lands is one of the privileges of the powers existing inside Japan or in its territorial waters . Under the direct American occupation the Japanese kept their inherited  traditions , their conventional values, ​​and their disting uished social behavior and they didn’t  dis claim their values inspite of their urgent need for importing technology and modern  Western sciences .

