الحرف المشدّد وحقيقته دراسة طيفية

الحرف المشدّد وحقيقته دراسة طيفية


  • أ.م.د. خلف حسين صالح الجبوري جامعة تكريت / كلية التربية للعلوم الإنسانية
  • م. أيمن عبدالله أحمد الجبوري جامعة تكريت / كلية التربية للعلوم الإنسانية


And among the topics studied by ancient scholars are stressed letter, their pronunciation and their length. Therefore, the researcher decided to carry out an applied study to measure the lengths of stressed letters via employment of computer software called (Praat). It takes samples of stressed letters sounds of famous readers and comparing them to what are mentioned in the narratives showing the lengths of stressed letters cited by ancient performers and those who followed them.

The paper is divided into the following: introduction, two chapters. The first chapter dealt with the definition of stress, ranks of stressed letters and their lengths with reference to scholars. As for the second chapter, it is dedicated to stressed letters in an spectroscopic study to be familiar with the lengths of stressed letters. In other words, the period taken to pronounce the stressed letter in accordance with the above-mentioned computer software and comparing them to what are cited in the narratives. Then, the conclusions are presented and list of bibliography.



