سمات التقرير الصحفي في الصحافة العراقية دراسة تحليليه لصحيفة المشرق للمدة من (1/1/2012) ولغاية (1/2/2015)

سمات التقرير الصحفي في الصحافة العراقية دراسة تحليليه لصحيفة المشرق للمدة من (1/1/2012) ولغاية (1/2/2015)


  • د.باسم وحيد جوني جامعة بغداد/ كـلية الإعلام


The art of the report and one of the most important journalistic arts in general depend on Iraqi newspapers and the press in particular because of its large and influential role to the public, including its content features many, no journalist should be free of the reports and this is a fundamental pillar of the state press.

Thus, the press report is characterized by the art of movement and vitality in the knowledge and information contained in group As is well known that the press report is an art journalist is located between the news and which is based on providing a range of information in the press and detailed investigation.

