أثر التقنيات الحديثة في الأدلة الجنائية دراسة مقارنة بين الشريعة والقانون

أثر التقنيات الحديثة في الأدلة الجنائية دراسة مقارنة بين الشريعة والقانون


  • أ.م.د. سلام محمد علي الجامعة العراقيـة/ كليـة القانون


The renewed social incidents resulting from scientific and technological developments great effect in many doctrinal issues, which requires consideration, and diligence in its judgment of new, according to contemporary technologies and scientific developments in various fields.

And not right to discuss the study of doctrinal issues discretionary isolation from reality and contemporary developments; and because new technologies have had a significant impact in many doctrinal issues mentioned by scholars - mercy of God -, which led to the study of issues of contemporary objective study commensurate with the evolution in technology , which does not prejudice the final outcome of the regulations adopted by the scientists that the Almighty God have mercy on them.

With the advances in modern technology and modern new inventions, another occasion for many of the doctrinal issues of contention emerged solutions compatible with the requirements of the times, it had to be re-examined some of these issues again.

The provisions then change according to the changing times and places and circumstances is not a change in the provisions of the law and its provisions, but it is a return to the basis thereof legitimate returns The reason for optional theme is to try to take advantage of contemporary and modern techniques in demonstrating legal provisions in all doors jurisprudence partial and choose from the door of the criminal is criminal evidence because it needed modern and contemporary techniques to prove the crimes and then compare them legal studies position.

This was a research of an introduction and five sections, and conclusion describes the most important results.

