أصول الرواية عند الصحابي الجليل رافع بن خديج  دراسة تحليليه لمنهجه

أصول الرواية عند الصحابي الجليل رافع بن خديج  دراسة تحليليه لمنهجه


  • أ.د. فاطمة زبار عنيزان مركز إحياء التراث العلمي العربي/ جامعة بغداد


Takes this kind of study is important in the field of historical studies which are based on the idea of ​​a methodology by which the analysis of texts contained in these novels and conversations Mstenbtin of them foundations methodology upon which the grounds that Almruyat and conversations that appear to the researcher or the reader it in the form of one or a single approach Alaanha otherwise find variety in formulas in terms of systematic analysis has, since emerging in each one direction, which has him and take a systematic approach is different from the other or complement it sometimes, and here lies the importance of this subject, which is based on research in ((assets novel when Sahaabi Rafi Ben premature " may Allah be pleased with him"  / analytical study)) which they can offer part fraction of those trends methodology which we found in the Narratives and talk this Sahaabi conveyed by the Prophet " peace be upon him"  whether direct or indirect or listening or news and others

