المهارات اللغوية ودورها في التواصل اللغوي

المهارات اللغوية ودورها في التواصل اللغوي


  • م.رافـد صباح التميميم كلية الإدارة والاقتصاد/جامعة بغداد
  • بلال إبراهيم يعقوب الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب


This is study aim to know importanceof the linguistic skills in the linguistic of communication.

The research is including of the problem it that included the importance of language and the functions performed by the philosophical and social point of view, and that willreflect on the status of linguistic performance provided by the learners.

  Which He pointed out the concept of  linguistic communication is based on the basis of language as one of  main concepts arte connect importance of concepts are  connected with of human which considered the communication is the life that cannot continues without  communication  that aims to exploring  and closing by the communication elements are represented by the  Sent, Massage, Future, Communication Environment  ,Elements of Channels  ,and formation it . that can  made it by the self- personal  and general communication  ,the popular  and cultural  by its four skills (Listening –speaking-Reading-Writing)  and role  each skill in the linguistic communication   and its importance and the relation between it and how can the teacher inside it by steps and modern  teaching methods for enable of the learners from control on these skills and use it's  in the communication process.خmain concept  ded by Almtalmkonnt of important of the langgical



