القلب ودلالته عند الصوفية

القلب ودلالته عند الصوفية


  • أ.د. ايمان كمال مصطفى المهداوي الجامعة العراقية / كلية الآداب


 The research that talks about the heart and its significance when the true Sufi who walked on a line beloved Prophet peace be upon him.

So it is clear through research and investigation in the books of Sufi mysticism and the heart of the two apparent physical and moral subcontractors and that there is a difference between them and Kdlk showed that the heart and the heart of Fezan differ in each indication for some

Apart from this, the Holy Quran has given the heart of a great position as it is a safety valve for the believers have Satan challenged to enter the hearts of the faithful and what he called the faithful, saying the Almighty in any challenge ((will surely not slaves of them loyal)) The word heart mentioned in the Koran objects of in many meanings of the heart ((122)) time.

As for the heart of great importance in life has made the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, Salah body and subject to corruption by saying that {in the flesh to chew pray for peace if the whole body, even corrupt the whole body, namely the heart} Narrated by Muslim, 1599.

Because the heart is described life and against split into three categories, namely: {correct, proper, and the dead}, came these divisions as the case through which proved significant heart when a group of community knew piety and righteousness, but they are Sufis who have gone in the way of truth and Anmazhua eminence of morality with their adherence to obey Allah and His Messenger, and took the Style Will themselves and purify their hearts from the clutches of the minimum and where temptations.



