The Position of Tunisia on the Palestinian Liberation Organization's Policy Regarding the Iraqi-Kuwaiti Crisis (1990-1991)

The Position of Tunisia on the Palestinian Liberation Organization's Policy Regarding the Iraqi-Kuwaiti Crisis (1990-1991)


  • Prof.Dr. Wissam Hussein Abdel Razzak الجامعة العراقية/كلية الآداب
  • Researcher: Zahraa Waleed Salman الجامعة العراقية/كلية الآداب



Keywords: Tunisia’s position, the Iraqi – Kuwait crisis, the policy of the Palestine Liberation Organization.


Tunisian positions on Arab – Arab issues are considered neutral, as it follows a policy of non- alignment, but that does not prevent it from expressing its opinion in a transparent and realistic manner, especially with regard to the policy of the Palestine Liberation Organization, since Tunisia is the Official Headquarters of the   Organization.

The PLO’s policy during the Iraqi – Kuwaiti crisis was to seek to resolve it through peaceful political and diplomatic means within the corridors of the Arab League, but it was exposed to division and disagreement in its opinions, which carried the consequences of these positions.

This study came in order to clarify these positions, Whether Tunisian or from the Palestine Liberation Organization and its members.

