British policy towards Iraq 1939-1942

British policy towards Iraq 1939-1942


  • Asst.Inst.Omar Iyad Abdul Hamid الجامعة العراقية/كلية الآداب



Key words: Iraq- And Neston Churchill - British Policy.


The research sheds light on international relations at the beginning of World War II, 1939-1942, the most important of which is a British policy towards Iraq, as Iraq has gone through articulated events in its contemporary history. They are important political events with a British, which was the decision maker. Iraq passed by pivotal events, when Abd al -Ilah became a trustee on the throne of Iraq after the killing of King Ghazi, as his son, King Faisal II, was a minor. The trustee was the decision -maker and he took all his decisions from British because of his good relationship with it. Among the important political events that Iraq witnessed during this period are the formation of the National Defense Government, led by Rashid Ali Al -Kilani, the Kingdom of Iraq’s war with British and important events until 1942.

