وقَفَاتٌ مع تفسير قوله تعالى: ﵟوَفِي ٱلرِّقَابِﵞ، ومَدى دُخولِ المحكومِ عليه بالقتل قِصاصاً في ذلكَ مِنْ عَدَمِهِ

Pauses with the interpretation of the Almighty’s saying ﵟوَفِي ٱلرِّقَابِﵞ and the extent to which a person sentenced to death as retaliation is included in this matter or not?


  • Dr. Adel bin Abdulaziz bin Ali Al-Julaifi الأستاذ المشارك بقسم الدراسات القرآنية كلية التربية - جامعة الملك سعود بالرياض - المملكة العربية السعودية




Types of people entitled to zakat, including freeing slaves, emancipation, compensation, those sentenced to retaliation, and paying blood money for premeditated murder.


It is included among the eight categories of people who receive zakat, explaining the argument for each statement, its evidence, and the answer to those who oppose it. Then he discussed the statements and their evidence, highlighting the effect of the language’s significance in that, and suggesting that they are the ones who are written to be slaves, and include among them accordingly: Muslim prisoners. He also suggested that the person sentenced to retaliation in Intentional murder does not fall under this category of zakat recipients. Zakat is not paid for the freedom of a slave, whether as an obligatory expiation for one’s duty, or as a voluntary obligation. Rather, it is limited to a slave owned by a slave from the master who owns it, or Muslim prisoners. In all of this, he provides the reason for preference, its evidence, and answers the confusing implications of the issue, according to the rules of preference considered by scholars of interpretation, reasons, and jurisprudence.

