Advice in Pre-Islamic Poetry: Directions and Stances

Advice in Pre-Islamic Poetry: Directions and Stances


  • Assistant Professor Dr. Abd Ali Ubaaid Ali Al-Shammari الكلية التّربويّة المفتوحة/ مركز واسط



Keywords: Advice, Directions, Stances of Advisers


Poets and prominent figures of the Pre-Islamic era played a significant role in advising and guiding people, clarifying many issues that might be confusing to the general public and sometimes to the elite, especially individuals who held power and made decisions. It was the duty of those with experience, wisdom, and sound judgment to address such situations and decisions that could bring harm and misfortune to people. Thus, the role of these individuals and social figures is based on the will to promote goodness and righteousness for those being advised, which often took the form of expressing personal or institutional opinions and volunteering to offer counsel, even when such advice was not explicitly requested.

