Objective characteristics and technical hair Shamsuddin Kufi Preacher T. 675 AH

Objective characteristics and technical hair Shamsuddin Kufi Preacher T. 675 AH


  • أ.م د. سوسن صائب المعاضيدي كلية التربية/ ابن رشد للعلوم الإنسانية /جامعة بغداد


Speaking of this research for hair Shamsuddin Kufi preacher poet tragedy Baghdad hit by the worst attack on the hands of Hulagu year 656 AH has lamented poet Baghdad and more than Altfdja them and whatever happens from destruction and burning and looting at the hands of the Tartars , and can be observed propagation poet of amendments Alibdieih in his hair especially alliteration , and Kofi lament for people as well as the purpose of poetry other than yarn and description and satire also has three stanzas , and can Qari Note deliberately kufi included poems to verses from the Koran as well as his opposition to some of the great poets such as Abu Tammam and son Zeydoun

