The conquest of Andalusia by the Muslim Arabs, narrated by Ahmed bin Muhammad al-Razi, d. 344 AH/955 AD

The conquest of Andalusia by the Muslim Arabs, narrated by Ahmed bin Muhammad al-Razi, d. 344 AH/955 AD


  • Prof.Dr. Amer Mamdouh Khairo الجامعة العراقية/كلية الآداب
  • Researcher Ammar Mohsen Mahmoud الجامعة العراقية/كلية الآداب



Keywords: Al-Andalus, Ahmed bin Muhammad Al-Razi


The conquest of Spain by the Arabs was a continuation of the wars of liberation that the Muslim Arabs fought in order to spread the word of God Almighty on earth, spread the Islamic religion, and remove the peoples from the yoke of persecution practiced by the two great powers in the world at that time, namely the Byzantine Empire and the Persian Empire. So the Muslim Arabs liberated their Arab brothers from The occupying forces, and also liberated the rest of the peoples of the world from this injustice and spread the highest values ​​of humanity and civilization among those peoples, since Islam was their noble goal in all their conquests.

